Quaderni di ricerca giuridica della Consulenza legale della Banca d'Italia

Year: 2001     Volume: -     Number: 52

Authors Titles First page Last page
Evangelisti, Marco Opening Remarks 11 13
Santella, Paolo Bankruptcy and Law and Economics 15 20
Bossu, Wouter Introduction to the Belgian Bankruptcy Law Reform 21 26
Van den Haute, Erik Bankruptcy, Compulsory Composition and Volontary Liquidation Under Belgian Law 27 37
Cercone, Roberto Italian Crisis Procedures for Enterprises: An Overview 39 46
Marcucci, Monica The Inefficiency of Current Italian Insolvency Legislation and the Prospects of a Reform 47 53
Waasdorp, Pieter M. Bankruptcy Reform in the Netherlands: Removing the Stigma on Failure 55 59
Sevenheck, Manon A.A. Significance for the Banks of the Possible Reform of the Cooling-Off Period Rules 61 64