The American economic review / published quarterly by The American Economic Association

Library: Biblioteche UniTrento
BUC. Ultime 2 annate sala 0B, annate precedenti Deposito 2
Modalità di consultazione

Year Volume Number Holdings
2024 114 10 October Yes
2024 114 9 September No Atteso
2024 114 8 August Yes
2024 114 7 July Yes
2024 114 6 June No Atteso
2024 114 5 May Yes
2024 114 4 April Yes
2024 114 3 March Yes
2024 114 2 February Yes
2024 114 1 January Yes
2023 113 12 December Yes
2023 113 11 November Yes
2023 113 10 October Yes
2023 113 9 September Yes
2023 113 8 August Yes
2023 113 7 July Yes
2023 113 6 June Yes
2023 113 5 May Yes
2023 113 4 April Yes
2023 113 3 March Yes
2023 113 2 February Yes
2023 113 1 January Yes
2022 112 12 December No Sollecitato
2022 112 11 November Yes
2022 112 10 October Yes
2022 112 9 September Yes
2022 112 8 August Yes
2022 112 7 July Yes
2022 112 6 June Yes
2022 112 5 May Yes
2022 112 4 April Yes
2022 112 3 March Yes
2022 112 2 February Yes
2022 112 1 January Yes
2021 111 12 December Yes
2021 111 11 November Yes
2021 111 10 October Yes
2021 111 9 September Yes
2021 111 8 August Yes
2021 111 7 July Yes
2021 111 6 June Yes
2021 111 5 May Yes
2021 111 4 April Yes
2021 111 3 March Yes
2021 111 2 February Yes
2021 111 1 January Yes
2020 110 12 December Yes
2020 110 11 November Yes
2020 110 10 October Yes
2020 110 9 September Yes
2020 110 8 August Yes
2020 110 7 July Yes
2020 110 6 June Yes
2020 110 5 May Yes
2020 110 4 April Yes
2020 110 3 March Yes
2020 110 2 February Yes
2020 110 1 January Yes
2019 109 12 December Yes
2019 109 11 November Yes
2019 109 10 October Yes
2019 109 9 September Yes
2019 109 8 August Yes
2019 109 7 July Yes
2019 109 6 June Yes
2019 109 5 May Yes
2019 109 4 April Yes
2019 109 3 March Yes
2019 109 2 February Yes
2019 109 1 January Yes
2018 108 12 December Yes
2018 108 11 November Yes
2018 108 10 October Yes
2018 108 9 September Yes
2018 108 8 August Yes
2018 108 7 July Yes
2018 108 6 June Yes
2018 108 4 /5 April Yes
2018 108 3 March Yes
2018 108 2 February Yes
2018 108 1 January Yes
2017 107 129 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Twenty-Nineth Annual Meeting of The American Economic Association Yes
2017 107 12 December Yes
2017 107 11 November Yes
2017 107 10 October Yes
2017 107 9 September Yes
2017 107 8 August Yes
2017 107 7 July Yes
2017 107 6 June Yes
2017 107 4 April Yes
2017 107 3 March Yes
2017 107 2 February Yes
2017 107 1 January Yes
2016 106 128 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting of The American Economic Association Yes
2016 106 4 Pagg. 3238-3988 Yes
2016 106 3 Pagg. 1967-3237 Yes
2016 106 2 Pagg. 855-1966 Yes
2016 106 1 Pagg. 1-854 Yes
2015 105 127 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting of The American Economic Association Yes
2015 105 4 Pagg. 2947-3798 Yes
2015 105 3 Pagg. 1939-2946 Yes
2015 105 2 Pagg. 921-1938 Yes
2015 105 1 Pagg. 1-920 Yes
2014 104 126 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of The American Economic Association Yes
2014 104 4 Pagg. 3397-4240 Yes
2014 104 3 Pagg. 2267-3396 Yes
2014 104 2 Pagg. 1091-2266 Yes
2014 104 1 Pagg. 1-1090 Yes
2013 103 125 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
2013 103 3 Pagg. 2053-3116 Yes
2013 103 2 Pagg. 1109-2052 Yes
2013 103 1 Pagg. 1-1108 Yes
2012 102 124 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
2012 102 3 Pagg. 2381-3778 Yes
2012 102 2 Pagg. 1187-2380 Yes
2012 102 1 Pagg. 1-1186 Yes
2011 101 123 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
2011 101 3 Pagg. 2277-3500 Yes
2011 101 2 Pagg. 1045-2276 Yes
2011 101 1 Pagg. 1-1044 Yes
2010 100 122 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Twenty-Second Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
2010 100 2 Pagg. 1295-2564 Yes
2010 100 1 Pagg. 1-1294. - Contiene indice annuale Yes
2009 99 121 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Twenty-First Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
2009 99 2 Pagg. 1093-2278 Yes
2009 99 1 Pagg. 1-1092. - Contiene indice annuale Yes
2008 98 120 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Twentieth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
2008 98 2 Pagg. 1207-2274 Yes
2008 98 1 Pagg. 1-1206. - Contiene indice annuale Yes
2007 97 119 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Chicago, IL, January 5-7, 2007 Yes
2007 97 2 Pagg. 1043-2056 Yes
2007 97 1 Pagg. 1-1042. - Contiene indice annuale Yes
2006 96 118 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Boston, MA, January 6-8, 2006 Yes
2006 96 2 Pagg. 925-1930 Yes
2006 96 1 Pagg. 1-924. - Contiene indice annuale Yes
2005 95 117 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Philadelphia, PA, January 7-9, 2005 Yes
2005 95 2 Pagg. 913-1752 Yes
2005 95 1 Pagg. 1-912. - Contiene indice annuale Yes
2004 94 116 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association San Diego, CA, January 3-5, 2004 Yes
2004 94 2 Pagg. 813-1722 Yes
2004 94 1 Pagg. 1-812. - Contiene indice annuale Yes
2003 93 115 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Washington, DC, January 3-5, 2003, Yes
2003 93 2 Pagg. 1027-1836 Yes
2003 93 1 Pagg. 1-1026. - Contiene indice annuale Yes
2002 92 114 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
2002 92 2 Pagg. 727-1712 Yes
2002 92 1 Pagg. 1-726. - Contiene indice annuale Yes
2001 91 113 Papers and Proceedings of the Hundred Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
2001 91 2 Pagg. 755-1630 Yes
2001 91 1 Pagg. 1-754. - Contiene indice annuale Yes
2000 90 112 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Twelfth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
2000 90 2 Pagg. 715-1536 Yes
2000 90 1 Pagg. 1-714. - Contiene indice annuale Yes
1999 89 111 Papers and Proceedings of the One Hundred Eleventh Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1999 89 Yes
1998 88 110 Papers and Proceedings of the Hundred and Tenth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1998 88 Yes
1997 87 109 Papers and Proceedings of the Hundred and Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1997 87 Nobel Lectures and 1997 Survey of Members Yes
1997 87 Yes
1996 86 108 Papers and Proceedings of the Hundredth and Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association San Francisco, CA, January 5-7, 1996 Yes
1996 86 2 Pagg. 689-1315 Yes
1996 86 1 Pagg. 1-688. - Contiene indice annuale Yes
1995 85 107 Papers and Proceedings of the Hundredth and Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Washington, DC, January 6-8, 1995 Yes
1995 85 Yes
1994 84 106 Papers and Proceedings of the Hundred and Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1994 84 Yes
1993 83 105 Papers and Proceedings of the Hundred and Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1993 83 Nobel Lectures and 1993 Survey of Members Yes
1993 83 Yes
1992 82 104 Papers and Proceedings of the Hundred and Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1992 82 Yes
1991 81 103 Papers and Proceedings of the Hundred and Third Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1991 81 Yes
1990 80 102 Papers and Proceedings of the Hundred and Second Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1990 80 Yes
1989 79 101 Papers and Proceedings of the Hundred and First Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1989 79 6 Nobel Lectures and 1989 Survey of Members Yes
1989 79 Yes
1988 78 100 Papers and Proceedings of the One-Hundredth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Yes
1988 78 Yes
1987 77 99 Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1987 77 Yes
1986 76 98 Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association No
1986 76 Yes
1985 75 97 Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1985 75 6 Centennial Essays and 1985 Survey of Members Yes
1985 75 Yes
1984 74 96 Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Yes
1984 74 Yes
1983 73 95 Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1983 73 Yes
1982 72 94 Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Yes
1982 72 Yes
1981 71 93 Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Third Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1981 71 6 Nobel Lectures and 1981 Survey of Members Yes
1981 71 Yes
1980 70 92 Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Second Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1980 70 Yes
1979 69 91 Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-First Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1979 69 Yes
1978 68 Yes
1977/1978 67/68 89 /90 Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1977 67 Yes
1976 66 Yes
1975/1976 65/66 87 /88 Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1975 75 Yes
1974 64 1974 Directory of Members No
1974 64 Yes
1973/1974 63/64 85 /86 Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1973 63 Yes
1972 62 Yes
1971/1972 61/62 83 /84 Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1971 61 Contiene Supplement, Surveys of National Economic Policy Issues and Policy Research Yes
1970 60 Yes
1969/1970 59/60 81 /82 Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1969 59 Supplement, Surveys of National Economic Policy Issues and Policy Research Yes
1968 58 80 Papers and Proceedings of the Eightieth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1968 58 2 Pagg. 681-1523. - Contiene Studies of the Structure of Economists' Salaries and Income Yes
1968 58 1 Pagg. 1-680. - Contiene indice annuale. - Contiene Supplement, Surveys of National Economic Policy Issues and Policy Research Yes
1967 57 Yes
1966/1967 56/57 78 /79 Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1966 56 Contiene The 1966 Handbook of the American Economic Association Yes
1965 55 5 December Yes
1965 55 4 December. - Part 2, The Structure of Economists' Employment and Salaries, 1964: Committee on the National Science Foundation Report on the Economics Profession Yes
1965 55 4 September. - Part 1 Yes
1965 55 3 June Yes
1965 55 1 /2 March No
1964/1965 54/55 76 /77 Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1964 54 6 December Yes
1964 54 5 September No
1964 54 4 Part 2, Supplement, Surveys of Foreign Postwar Developments in Economic Thought Yes
1964 54 4 June. - Part 1 Yes
1964 54 2 March. - Part 2, Supplement, Surveys of Foreign Postwar Developments in Economic Thought Yes
1964 54 2 March. - Part 1 Yes
1964 54 1 No Non pubblicato
1963 53 Contiene Supplement, Economics in the Schools: A Report By a Special Textbook Committee of the Committee on Economic Education of the American Economic Association Yes
1962/1963 52/53 74 /75 Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1962 52 Yes
1961 51 Yes
1960/1961 50/51 72 /73 Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1960 50 Yes
1959 49 71 Papers and Proceedings of the Seventy-first Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association No
1959 49 Yes
1958 48 70 Papers and Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association No
1958 48 Yes
1957 47 69 Papers and Proceedings of the Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association No
1957 47 4 Handbook of the American Economic Association No
1957 47 Yes
1956 46 68 Papers and Proceedings of the Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association No
1956 46 Yes
1955 45 67 Papers and Proceedings of the Sixty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association No
1955 45 Yes
1954 44 66 Papers and Proceedings of the Sixty-sixth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association No
1954 44 Yes
1953 43 65 Papers and Proceedings of the Sixty-fifth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association No
1953 43 5 Handbook of the American Economic Association No
1953 43 4 Supplement, Graduate Education in Economics No
1953 43 Yes
1952 42 64 Papers and Proceedings of the Sixty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association No
1952 42 Yes
1951 41 63 Papers and Proceedings of the Sixty-third Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association No
1951 41 Yes
1950 40 62 Papers and Proceedings of the Sixty-second Annual Meeting of the American Economic Asociation No
1950 40 Supplement, The Teaching of Undergraduate Economics No
1950 40 Yes
1949 39 2 Pagg. 725-1400 Yes
1949 39 1 Pagg. 1-724. - Contiene indice annuale. - Contiene: The 1948 Directory of the American Economic Association Yes
1948/1949 38/39 60 /61 Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1948 38 Yes
1947 37 59 Papers and Proceedings of the Fifty-ninth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1947 37 Yes
1946 36 58 May. - Papers and Proceedings of the Fifty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1946 36 Contiene Supplement, Handbook of the American Economic Association Yes
1945 35 Yes
1944/1945 34/35 56 /57 Supplement, Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1944 34 June. - Supplement, Implemental Aspects of Public Finance Yes
1944 34 Yes
1943 33 Yes
1942/1943 32/33 44 /45 Supplement, Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1942 32 Contiene Supplementi: Papers Relating to the Temporary National Economic Committee; Directory of the American Economic Association Edited by the Secretar Yes
1941 31 Yes
1940/1941 29/30 52 /53 Supplement, Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1940 30 June. - Supplement, Handbook, List of Members of the American Economic Association No
1940 30 Yes
1939 29 Yes
1938 28 September. - Supplement, Handbook, Who's Who in the American Economic Association: 1938 No
1938 28 Yes
1937 27 Yes
1936/1939 26/29 48 /51 Supplement, Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1936 26 June. - Supplement, Handbook of the American Economic Association No
1936 26 Yes
1935 25 Yes
1934 24 Yes
1933 23 June. - Supplement, Handbook of the American Economic Association 1933 No
1933 23 Yes
1932/1935 22/25 34 /37 Supplement, Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1932 22 Yes
1931 21 June. - Supplement, Handbook of the American Economic Association No
1931 21 Yes
1930 20 Yes
1929 19 Yes
1928/1931 18/21 40 /43 Supplement, Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1928 18 June. - Supplement, Handbook of the American Economic Association 1928 No
1928 18 Yes
1927 17 June. - Supplement: Dinner in Honor of Professor John Bates Clark No
1927 17 Yes
1926 16 June. - Supplement, Handbook of the American Economic Association 1926 No
1926 16 Yes
1925 15 September. - Supplement No.2, Forecasting the Price of Hogs No
1925 15 Yes
1924/1926 14/16 36 /38 Yes
1924 14 June. - Supplement, Handbook of the American Economic Association 1924 No
1924 14 Yes
1923 13 Yes
1922 12 June. - Supplement, Handbook of the American Economic Association 1922 No
1922 12 Yes
1921 11 December. - Supplement No. 2, What Can A Man Afford? No
1921 11 Yes
1920/1923 10/13 32 /35 Supplement, Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1920 10 December. - Supplement, The Taxation of Excess Profits in Great Britain No
1920 10 Yes
1919 9 September. - Supplement, Handbook of the American Economic Association No
1919 9 March. - Supplement, No. 2, Report of the Committee on War Finance of the American Economic Association No
1919 9 Yes
1918 8 Yes
1917 7 December. - Supplement, Index to the Publications of the American Economic Association: 1886-1910 No
1917 7 Yes
1916/1919 4/9 28 /31 Supplement, Papers and Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1916 6 September. - Supplement, Hand Book of the American Economic Association No
1916 6 Yes
1915 5 March. - Supplement, Papers and Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association No
1915 5 Yes
1914 4 March. - Supplement, Papers and Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Yes
1914 4 December. - Supplement, Hand Book of the American Economic Association No
1914 4 Yes
1913 3 September. - Supplement, Hand Book of the American Economic Association No
1913 3 March. - Supplement, Papers and Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association No
1913 3 Yes
1912 2 March. - Supplement, Papers and Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association No
1912 2 Yes
1911 1 April. - Supplement: Papers and Discussions of the Twenty-third Annual Meeting No
1911 1 Yes