Yale French studies

Library: Biblioteche UniTrento
BUC. Ultime 2 annate sala 0B, annate precedenti Deposito 2 (Sezione Lettere)
Modalità di consultazione

Year Volume Number Holdings
2022 - 141 Claude Lanzmann after Shoah Yes
2022 - 140 Maryse Conde, a Writer for Our Times Yes
2021 - 139 Photography and the Body in Nineteenth-Century France Yes
2020 - 137 /138 North African Poetry in French Yes
2019 - 135 /136 Existentialism, 70 Years After Yes
2018 - 134 The Construction of a National Vernacular Literature in the Renaissance: Essays in Honor of Edwin M. Duval Yes
2018 - 133 Detecting Patrick Modiano: New Perspectives Yes
2017 - 131 /132 Bande Dessinée: Thinking Outside the Boxes Yes
2016 - 130 Guilty Pleasures: Theater, Piety, and Immorality in Seventeenth-Century France Yes
2016 - 129 Writing and Life, Literature and History: On Jorge Semprun Yes
2015 - 128 Revisiting Marie Vieux Chauvet: Paradoxes of the Postcolonial Feminine Yes
2015 - 127 Animots: Postanimality in French Thought Yes
2014 - 125 /126 Time for Baudelaire (Poetry, Theory, History) Yes
2014 - 124 Walter Benjamin's hypothetical french Trauerspiel Yes
2013 - 123 Rethinking Claude Levi-Strauss (1908–2009) Yes
2012 - 122 Out of Sight: Political Censorship of the Visual Arts in Nineteenth-Century France Yes
2012 - 121 Literature and History: Around Suite française and Les Bienveillantes Yes
2011 - 120 Francophone Sub-Saharan African Literature in Global Contexts Yes
2010 - 118 /119 Noeuds de mémoire: Multidirectional Memory in Postwar French and Francophone Culture Yes
2009 - 116 /117 Turns to the Right? Yes
2009 - 115 New Spaces for French and Francophone Cinema Yes
2008 - 114 Writing and the Image Today Yes
2008 - 113 French Education: Fifty Years Later Yes
2007 - 112 The Transparency of the Text: Contemporary Writing for the Stage Yes
2007 - 111 Myth and Modernity Yes
2006 - 110 Meaning and its Objects: Material Culture in Medieval and Renaissance Françe Yes
2006 - 109 Surrealism and its Others Yes
2005 - 108 Crime Fictions Yes
2005 - 107 The Haiti Issue : 1804 and Nineteenth-Century French Studies Yes
2004 - 106 The Power of Rhetoric, the Rhetoric of Power : Jean Paulhan's Fiction, Criticism, and Editorial Activity Yes
2004 - 105 Pereckonings : Reading Georges Perec Yes
2003 - 104 Encounters with Levinas Yes
2003 - 103 french and Francophone Yes
2002 - 102 Belgian Memories Yes
2002 - 101 Fragments of Revolution Yes
2001 - 100 Françe/USA : The cultural Wars Yes
2001 - 99 Jean-François Lyotard : Time and Judgment Yes
2000 - 98 The French Fifties Yes
2000 - 97 50 Years of Yale french Studies: A Commemorative Anthology. Part 2 : 1980-1998 Yes
1999 - 96 50 Years of Yale French Studies : A Commemorative Anthology part 1: 1948-1979 Yes
1999 - 95 Rreading Allegory : Essays in Memory of Daniel Poirion Yes
1998 - 94 Libertinage and Modernity Yes
1998 - 93 The Place of Maurice Blanchot Yes
1997 - 92 Exploring the Conversible World Yes
1997 - 91 Gnet : In the Language of the Enemy Yes
1996 - 90 Same Sex/Different Text ? Yes
1996 - 89 Drafts Yes
1995 - 88 Depositions: Althusser, Balibar, Macherey, and the Labor of Reading Yes
1995 - 87 Another Look, Another Woman : Retranslations of French Feminism Yes
1994 - 86 Corps Mystique, Corps Sacré Yes
1994 - 85 Discourses of Jewish Identity in Twentieth-Century : Françe Yes
1994 - 84 Boundaries : Writing and Drawing Yes