Victorian studies

Library: Biblioteche UniTrento
BUC. Deposito 2 (Sezione Lettere)
Modalità di consultazione

Year Volume Number Holdings
2023 65 4 Summer Yes
2023 65 3 Spring. - Papers and Responses from the Twentieth Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Yes
2023 65 2 Winter Yes
2023 65 1 Autumn. - Novel Novelists of Queen Victoria's Reign Yes
2022 64 4 Summer Yes
2022 64 3 Spring Yes
2022 64 2 Winter Yes
2021 64 1 Autumn Yes
2021 63 4 Summer Yes
2021 63 3 Spring Yes
2021 63 2 Winter Yes
2020 63 1 Autumn Yes
2020 62 4 Summer Yes
2020 62 3 Spring. - Undisciplining Victorian Studies Yes
2020 62 2 Winter. - Papers and Responses from the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Yes
2020 62 1 Autumn Yes
2019 61 4 Summer Yes
2019 61 3 Spring Yes
2019 61 2 Winter. - Papers and Responses from the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Yes
2018 61 1 Autumn Yes
2018 60 4 Summer. - Climate Change and Victorian Studies Yes
2018 60 3 Spring Yes
2017 60 2 Winter. - Papers and Responses from the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Yes
2017 60 1 Autumn Yes
2016 59 4 Summer Yes
2016 59 3 Spring. - Papers and Responses from the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Spring 2017 Yes
2016 59 2 Winter Yes
2016 59 1 Autumn Yes
2016 58 4 Summer Yes
2016 58 3 Spring Yes
2016 58 2 Winter. - Papers and Responses from the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Winter Yes
2015 58 1 Autumn Yes
2015 57 4 Summer Yes
2015 57 3 Spring. - Papers and Responses from the Twelfth Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Yes
2015 57 2 Winter Yes
2014 57 1 Autumn Yes
2014 56 4 Summer Yes
2014 56 3 Spring. - Papers and Responses from the Eleventh Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Yes
2014 56 2 Winter Yes
2013 56 1 Autumn Yes
2013 55 4 Summer. - The Ends of History Yes
2013 55 3 Spring Yes
2013 55 2 Winter. - Papers and Responses from the Tenth Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Yes
2012 55 1 Autumn Yes
2012 54 4 Summer Yes
2012 54 3 Spring. - Papers and Responses from the Ninth Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Yes
2012 54 2 Winter Yes
2011 54 1 Autumn Yes
2011 53 4 Summer Yes
2011 53 3 Spring. - Papers and Responses from the Eighth Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Yes
2011 53 2 Winter Yes
2010 53 1 Autumn Yes
2010 52 4 Summer Yes
2010 52 3 Spring Yes
2010 52 2 Winter Yes
2009 52 1 Autumn. - Papers and Responses from the Seventh Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association, held jointly with the British Association for Victorian Studies Yes
2009 51 4 Summer Yes
2009 51 3 Papers and Responses from the sixth Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Yes
2009 51 2 Winter. - Darwin and the Evolution of Victorian Studies Yes
2008 51 1 Autumn Yes
2008 50 4 Summer Yes
2008 50 3 Spring. - Victorian Emotions Yes
2008 50 2 Winter. - Papers and Responses from the Fifth Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association, Held Jointly with the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada Yes
2007 50 1 Autumn Yes
2007 49 4 Summer Yes
2007 49 3 Spring Yes
2007 49 2 Winter. - Papers and Responses from the Fourth Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association, Held Jointly with the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism Annual Meeting Yes
2006 49 1 Autumn Yes
2006 48 4 Summer Yes
2006 48 3 Spring Yes
2006 48 2 Winter. - Papers and Responses from the Third Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Yes
2005 48 1 Autumn Yes
2005 47 4 Summer Yes
2005 47 3 Spring Yes
2005 47 2 Winter. - Papers from the Second Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Yes
2004 47 1 Autumn Yes
2004 46 4 Summer Yes
2004 46 3 Spring Yes
2004 46 2 Winter. - Papers from the Inaugural Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association Yes
2003 46 1 Autumn Yes
2003 45 4 Summer Yes
2003 45 3 Spring Yes
2003 45 2 Winter Yes
2002 45 1 Autumn. - Victorian Investments Yes
2002 44 4 Summer Yes
2002 44 3 Spring Yes
2002 44 2 Winter Yes
2001 44 1 Autumn Yes
2000 43 1 -4 Yes
1998/1999 42 1 -4 Yes
1998 41 4 Yes
1998 41 3 Victorian Etnographies Yes
1997 41 1 -2 Yes
1996/1997 40 1 -4 Yes
1995/1996 39 1 -4 Yes
1994 37 1 -4 Yes
1993 36 4 Yes
1993 36 3 Victorian sexualities Yes
1993 36 1 -2 Yes
1992/1993 36 Yes
1991/1992 35 Yes
1990/1991 34 Yes