Granta : a paperback magazine of new writing

Library: Biblioteche UniTrento
BUC. Ultime 2 annate sala 0B, annate precedenti Deposito 2 (Sezione Lettere)
Modalità di consultazione

Year Volume Number Holdings
2023 - 164 Summer. - Last Notes Yes
2023 - 163 Spring. - Best of Young British Novelists 5 No
2023 - 162 Winter. - Definitive Narratives of Escape Yes
2022 - 161 Autumn. - Sister, Brother Yes
2022 - 160 Summer. - Conflict Yes
2022 - 159 Spring. - What Do You See? Yes
2022 - 158 Winter. - In the Family Yes
2021 - 157 Autumn. - Should We Have Stayed at Home? New Travel Writing Yes
2021 - 156 Summer. - Interiors Yes
2021 - 155 Spring . - Best of Young Spanish-Language Novelists 2 Yes
2021 - 154 Winter. - I’ve Been Away for a While Yes
2020 - 153 Autumn. - Second Nature Yes
2020 - 152 Summer. - Still Life Yes
2020 - 151 Spring. - Membranes Yes
2020 - 150 Winter. - There Must Be Ways to Organise the World with Language Yes
2019 - 149 Autumn. - Strangers in the Land Yes
2019 - 148 Summer. - Summer Fiction Yes
2019 - 147 Spring. - 40th-Birthday Special Yes
2019 - 146 Winter. - The Politics of Feeling Yes
2018 - 145 Autumn. - Ghosts Yes
2018 - 144 Summer. - Genericlovestory Yes
2018 - 143 Spring. - After the Fact Yes
2018 - 142 Winter. - Animalia Yes
2017 - 141 Autumn. - Canada Yes
2017 - 140 Summer . - State of Mind Yes
2017 - 139 Spring. - Best of young American Novelists 3 Yes
2017 - 138 Winter - Journeys Yes
2016 - 137 Atumn. - Bad Faith Yes
2016 - 136 Summer . - Legacies of Love Yes
2016 - 135 Spring. - New Irish Writing Yes
2016 - 134 Winter. - No Man's Land Yes
2015 - 133 Atumn. - What Have We Done Yes
2015 - 132 Summer . - Possession Yes
2015 - 131 Spring. - The Map Is Not the Territory Yes
2015 - 130 Winter. - India Yes
2014 - 129 Atumn. - Fate Yes
2014 - 128 Summer . - American Wild Yes
2014 - 127 Spring. - Japan Yes
2014 - 126 Winter. - Do You Remember Yes
2013 - 125 Atumn. - After the War Yes
2013 - 124 Summer . - Travel Yes
2013 - 123 Spring. - Best of Young British Novelists 4 Yes
2013 - 122 Spring. - Betrayal Yes
2012 - 121 Autumn. - The Best of Young Brazilian Novelists Yes
2012 - 120 Spring. - Medicine Yes
2012 - 119 Spring. - Britain Yes
2012 - 118 Winter. - Exit Strategies Yes
2011 - 117 Autumn. - Horror Yes
2011 - 116 Autumn. - Ten Years Later Yes
2011 - 115 Summer . - The F Word Yes
2011 - 114 Winter. - Aliens No
2010 - 113 The Best of Young Spanish Language Yes
2010 - 112 Pakistan Yes
2010 - 111 Yes
2010 - 110 Sex Yes
2009 - 109 Work Yes
2009 - 108 Chicago Yes
2009 - 107 Yes
2009 - 106 New Fiction Special Yes
2009 - 105 Lost and Found Yes
2008 - 104 Fathers Yes
2008 - 103 The Rise of the British Jihad Yes
2008 - 102 The New Nature Writing Yes
2008 - 101 Hilary Mantel Yes
2007 - 100 One hundred Yes
2007 - 99 What Heppened next Yes
2007 - 98 The Deep End Yes
2007 - 97 Best of Young American Novelists Yes
2006 - 96 War Zones Yes
2006 - 95 Loved Ones Yes
2006 - 94 On the Road again Yes
2006 - 93 God's own Countries Yes
2005 - 92 The View from Africa Yes
2005 - 91 Wish You were here Yes
2005 - 90 Country Life Yes
2005 - 89 The Factory Yes
2004 - 88 Mothers Yes
2004 - 87 Jubilee Yes
2004 - 86 Film Yes
2004 - 85 Hidden Histories Yes
2003 - 84 Over There Yes
2003 - 83 This Overheating World Yes
2003 - 82 Life's Like That Yes
2003 - 81 Best of Young British Novelists Yes
2002 - 80 The Group Yes
2002 - 79 Celebrity Yes
2002 - 78 Badcompany Yes
2002 - 77 What we think of America Yes
2001 - 76 Music Yes
2001 - 75 Brief Encounters Yes
2001 - 74 Confessions Yes
2001 - 73 Necessary Journeys Yes
2000 - 72 Overreachers Yes
2000 - 71 Shrinks Yes
2000 - 70 Australia Yes
2000 - 69 The Assassin Yes
1999 - 68 Love stories Yes
1999 - 67 Women and children first Yes
1999 - 66 Truth + Lies Yes
1999 - 65 London Yes
1998 - 64 Russia Yes
1998 - 63 Beasts Yes
1998 - 62 What young men do Yes
1998 - 61 The Sea Yes
1997 - 60 Unbelievable Yes
1997 - 59 Françe Yes
1997 - 58 Ambition Yes
1997 - 57 India ! Yes
1996 - 56 What happened to Us ? Yes
1996 - 55 Children Yes
1996 - 54 The best of Young American Novelists Yes
1996 - 53 News Yes
1995 - 51 -52 No
1995 - 50 Fifty Yes
1994 - 49 Money Yes
1994 - 48 Africa Yes
1994 - 47 Losers Yes
1994 - 46 Crime Yes
1993 - 45 Gazza Agonistes Yes
1993 - 44 The Last Place on Earth Yes
1993 - 43 Best of Young British Novelists Yes
1992 - 42 Krauts ! Yes
1992 - 40 Richard Ford Yes
1992 - 39 The Body Yes
1991 - 41 Biography Yes
1991 - 38 We're so Happy ! Yes
1991 - 37 The Family Yes
1991 - 36 Vargas Llosa for President Yes
1991 - 35 The unbearable Peace Yes
1990 - 34 Death of Harvard Man Yes
1990 - 33 What went wrong ? Yes
1990 - 32 History Yes
1990 - 31 The General Yes
1990 - 30 New Europe Yes
1989 - 29 New World Yes
1989 - 28 Birthday Special ! Yes
1989 - 27 Death Yes
1989 - 26 Travel Yes
1988 - 25 The Murderee Yes
1988 - 24 Inside Intelligence Yes
1988 - 23 Home Yes
1987 - 22 With Your Tongue Down my Throat Yes
1987 - 21 The Story-Teller Yes
1986 - 20 In Touble Again Yes
1986 - 19 More Dirt Yes
1986 - 18 The Snap Revolution Yes
1985 - 17 Autumn Yes
1985 - 16 Science Yes
1985 - 15 James Fenton/The Fall of Saigon Yes
1985 - 14 Autobiography Yes
1984 - 13 After the Revolution Yes
1984 - 12 The True Adventures of the Rolling Stones Yes
1984 - 11 Milan Kundera Yes
1984 - 10 Travel Writing Yes
1983 - 9 John Berger Boris Yes
1983 - 8 Dirty Realism Yes
1983 - 7 Best of Young British Novelists Yes
1983 - 6 A Literature for Politics Yes
1982 - 5 The Modern Common Wind Yes
1981 - 4 Beyond the Crisis Yes
1980 - 3 The End of the English Novel Yes
1980 - 2 The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H. Yes
1979 - 1 New American Writing Yes