AD : architectural design

Library: Biblioteche UniTrento
BUM. Biblioteca Universitaria Mesiano
loc. Mesiano 77, Trento

Year Volume Number Holdings
2010 80 1 Yes
2009 79 6 Patterns of Architecture Yes
2009 79 5 Architectures of thr Near Future Yes
2009 79 4 Digital Cities Yes
2009 79 3 Energies. New Material Boundaries Yes
2009 79 2 Closing the Gap Yes
2009 79 1 Theoretical Meltdown Yes
2008 78 6 Neoplasmatic Design Yes
2008 78 5 New Urban China Yes
2008 78 4 Photoarchitecture: Analogue and Digital Hybrids Yes
2008 78 3 Interior Atmospheres Yes
2008 78 2 Yes
2008 78 1 Cities of Dispersal Yes
2007 77 6 Made in India Yes
2007 77 5 Rationalist Traces Yes
2007 77 4 4dsocial: Interactive Design Environments Yes
2007 77 3 Italy: A New Architectural Landscape Yes
2007 77 2 Landscape Architecture: Site/Non-Site Yes
2007 77 1 Elegance Yes
2006 76 6 Yes
2006 76 5 Collective Intelligence in Design Yes
2006 76 4 Programming Cultures Yes
2006 76 3 The New Europe Yes
2006 76 2 Yes
2006 76 1 Manmade Modular Megastructures Yes
2005 75 6 Sensing the 21st-Century City: Close-Up and Remote Yes
2005 75 5 The New Mix: Culturally Dynamic Architecture Yes
2005 75 4 Design Through Making Yes
2005 75 3 Food + the City Yes
2005 75 2 The 1970s is Here and Now Yes
2005 75 1 4dspace: Interactive Architecture Yes
2004 74 6 Islam + Architecture Yes
2004 74 5 Back to school Yes
2004 74 4 The challenge of suburbia Yes
2004 74 3 Emergence: morphogenetic design strategies Yes
2004 74 2 Extreme sites: the greening of brownfield Yes
2004 74 1 Property development + progressive architecture: the new alliance Yes
2003 73 6 Club culture Yes
2003 73 5 Urban flashes Asia Yes
2003 73 4 Home front. New developments in housing Yes
2003 73 3 Art + architecture Yes
2003 73 2 Surface consciousness Yes
2003 73 1 Off the radar Yes
2002 72 6 Food + architecture Yes
2002 72 5 Versioning: evolutionary techniques in architecture Yes
2002 72 4 Furniture + architecture Yes
2002 72 3 Reflexive architecture Yes
2002 72 2 Poetics in architecture Yes
2002 72 1 Contemporary techniques in architecture Yes
2001 71 6 Fame and architecture Yes
2001 71 5 Looking bach in envy Yes
2001 71 4 Green architecture Yes
2001 71 3 New babylonians Yes
2001 71 2 Architecture + animation Yes
2001 71 1 Young blood Yes
2000 70 6 Fashion + architecture Yes
2000 70 5 The tragic in architecture Yes
2000 70 4 The transformable house Yes
2000 70 3 Contemporary processes in architecture Yes
2000 70 2 Space architecture Yes
2000 70 1 Architecture + film II Yes
1999 69 11 /12. Millennium architecture Yes
1999 69 9 /10. Hypersurface architecture II Yes
1999 69 7 /8. Architecture of the borderlands Yes
1999 69 5 /6. Aspects of minimal architecture II Yes
1999 69 3 /4. Sci-fi architecture Yes
1999 69 1 /2. Des-res architecture Yes
1998 68 11 /12. Architects in cyberspace II Yes
1998 68 9 /10. Ephemeral/portable architecture Yes
1998 68 7 /8. The everyday and architecture Yes
1998 68 5 /6. Hypersurface architecture Yes
1998 68 3 /4. Tracing architecture Yes
1998 68 1 /2. Consuming architecure Yes
1997 67 11 /12. Contemporary museum Yes
1997 67 9 /10. New science = new architecture Yes
1997 67 7 /8. Frontiers: artists & architects Yes
1997 67 5 /6. Architecture after geometry Yes
1997 67 3 /4. Light in architecture Yes
1997 67 1 /2 The Architecture of Ecology Yes
1996 66 11 /12. Architecture & anthropology Yes
1996 66 9 /10. Integrating architecture Yes
1996 66 7 /8. Achitecture on the horizon Yes
1996 66 5 /6. Games of architecture Yes
1996 66 3 /4. Colour in architecture Yes
1996 66 1 /2. Beyond the revolution - The architecture of eastern Europe Yes
1995 65 11 /12. Architects in cyberspace Yes
1995 65 9 /10. Tensile structures Yes
1995 65 7 /8. Reaching for the skies Yes
1995 65 5 /6. British architects in exile Yes
1995 65 3 /4. The power of architecture Yes
1995 65 1 /2. Architecture & water Yes
1994 64 11 /12. Architecture & film Yes
1994 64 9 /10. New towns Yes
1994 64 7 /8. Aspects of minimal architecture Yes
1994 64 5 /6. Architecture of transportation Yes
1994 64 3 /4. The periphery Yes
1993 63 1 -12 No
1992 62 11 /12. Theory and experimentation - Architectural ideas for today and tomorrow Yes
1992 62 9 /10. Japanese architecture Yes
1992 62 7 /8. Pop architecture - A sophisticated interpretation of popular culture? Yes
1992 62 5 /6. Paternoster square and the new classical tradition Yes
1992 62 3 /4. Free space architecture Yes
1992 62 1 /2. Modern pluralism - Just exactly what is going on? Yes
1991 61 11 /12. New museums Yes
1991 61 9 /10. The Avant-Garde russian architecture in the twenties Yes
1991 61 7 /8. Berlin tomorrow - International architectural visions Yes
1991 61 5 /6. Post-modern triumphs in London Yes
1991 61 3 /4. Aspects of modern architecture Yes
1991 61 1 /2. A new spirit in architecture Yes
1990 60 11 /12 No
1990 60 9 /10. Post-modernism on trial Yes
1990 60 9 /10. Deconstruction III Yes
1990 60 7 /8. The new modern aesthetic Yes
1990 60 5 /6. James Stirling - Michael Wilford & associates Yes
1990 60 3 /4. New architecture. The new moderns & the super moderns Yes
1990 60 1 /2. Urban concepts - Denise Scott Brown Yes
1989 59 11 /12. Wexner center for the visual arts Yes
1989 59 9 /10. Reconstruction and deconstruction Yes
1989 59 7 /8. Russian constructivism & Iakov Chernikhov Yes
1989 59 5 /6. Prince Charles and the architectural debate Yes
1989 59 3 /4. Drawing into architecture Yes
1989 59 1 /2. Deconstruction II Yes
1988 58 11 /12. New directions in current architecture Yes
1988 58 9 /10. Imitation and innovation Yes
1988 58 7 /8. Contemporary architecture Yes
1988 58 5 /6. Japanese architecture Yes
1988 58 3 /4. Deconstruction in architecture Yes
1988 58 1 /2. The new classicism Yes
1987 57 11 /12. Engineering & architecture Yes
1987 57 9 /10. The architecture of democracy Yes
1987 57 7 /8. The uses of tradition in russian & soviet architecture Yes
1987 57 5 /6. Tradition & architecture Yes
1987 57 3 /4 Yes
1987 57 1 /2. Post-modernism & discontinuity Yes
1986 56 12 Yes
1986 56 10 /11. A house for today Yes
1986 56 9 American urbanism Yes
1986 56 8 Yes
1986 56 7 City building Yes
1986 56 6 Yes
1986 56 5 Yes
1986 56 4 Yes
1986 56 3 International current projects Yes
1986 56 1 /2. The national gallery Yes
1985 55 12 /2 American Architecture Yes
1985 55 3 /4 Revision of the Modern Yes
1984 54 11 /12 Cairo International Exhibition Yes
1984 54 7 /8 Leon Krier Yes
1984 54 5 /6 Building and Rational Architecture Yes
1984 54 3 /4 British Architecture Yes
1984 54 1 /2 Urbanism Yes
1983 53 12 /2 Architecture in progress Yes
1983 53 11 /12 Berlin an architectural history Yes
1983 53 9 /10 Elements of architecture Yes
1983 53 7 /8 Abstract Representation Yes
1983 53 5 /6 Russian Avant-Garde Yes
1983 53 3 /4 Doll's Houses Yes
1983 53 1 -2 Architecture in progress Yes
1982 52 11 /12 The Forest Edge Yes
1982 52 9 /10 Animated Architecture Yes
1982 52 5 /6 Classicism is not a style Yes
1980 50 5 /6 Post-Modern Classicism Yes
1980 50 3 /4 Viollet-le-Duc Yes
1979 49 12 Urban Space Yes
1979 49 12 Aalto and After Yes
1979 49 10 /11 Britain in the Thirties Yes
1979 49 8 /9 Neo-Classicism Yes
1979 49 7 Hawksmoor's Yes
1979 49 3 /4 Roma interrotta Yes
1979 49 2 Sainsbury Centre Yes
1979 49 1 Rob Krier, Leo Krier Yes
1978 48 11 /12 The Beaux-Arts Yes
1978 48 10 Bruce Goff Yes
1978 48 8 /9 France Yes
1978 48 7 Hand-Built hornby Yes
1978 48 5 /6 London 1900 Yes
1976 46 4 Human Settlement Yes
1976 46 3 Volte- Face Yes
1976 46 2 Individuals in an institutionalised world Yes
1976 46 1 Autonomous Houses Yes
1975 45 12 Milton Keynes Yes
1975 45 11 Team 10 Yes
1975 45 10 Evans Shalev Yes
1975 45 9 French new Towns Yes
1975 45 8 Women in Architecture Yes
1975 45 7 Taller de Arquitectura Yes
1975 45 6 Byker Jakarta Venice Yes
1975 45 5 Piano and Rogers Yes
1975 45 4 Indigenous Housing Yes
1975 45 3 Glass Houses Yes
1975 45 2 Opportunity Docks Yes
1975 45 1 Low impact design- The space between Yes
1974 44 12 Play net Yes
1974 44 12 Play net Yes
1974 44 11 User design Yes
1974 44 10 Zambia/Persia/Hotels Yes
1974 44 9 Mat Building Yes
1974 44 8 Central Milton Keynes Yes
1974 44 7 Libraries Yes
1974 44 6 Chandigarh.Munich 72 Yes
1974 44 5 Pick of the Projects Yes
1974 44 3 China Yes
1974 44 2 Housing Flexibility/Adaptability Yes
1974 44 1 Solar Energy Yes
1973 45 6 Milton Keynes Yes
1973 43 12 Garbage Housing Yes
1973 43 11 Housing/flexibility? Yes
1973 43 10 Solar energy in housing Yes
1973 43 9 goes West Yes
1973 43 8 Goes West Yes
1973 43 7 Convertible roofs Yes
1973 43 6 Milton Keynes Yes
1973 43 5 What to do with Manhattan? Yes
1973 43 4 Airports Yes
1973 43 3 Stirling University Yes
1973 43 2 Farrell/Grimshaw Partnership Yes
1973 43 1 Pneumatic structures Yes
1972 43 4 Summer Session '71 Yes
1972 43 1 Archizoom Yes
1972 42 12 Buckminster fuller retrospective Yes
1972 42 11 Foster Associates Yes
1972 42 10 Complexity Yes
1972 42 9 Housing A + P Smithson Yes
1972 42 8 Munich olympics Yes
1972 42 7 Designing for survival Yes
1972 42 6 Piccadilly Yes
1972 42 5 Invisible London Yes
1972 42 4 Summer Session Yes
1972 42 1 Archizoom, Byzantine, Churches of Greece Yes
1971 41 12 Wall ibm cedric price Yes
1971 41 11 School without walls Yes
1971 41 10 Toulouse Le Mirail Yes
1971 41 9 Yes
1971 41 8 Archigram 1970-1971 Yes
1971 41 7 Covent Garden carve up Yes
1971 41 6 Wall IBM HQ Cedric Price Yes
1971 41 5 Models of Environment Yes
1971 41 4 Jerusalem Plan Yes
1971 41 3 Frei Otto at work Yes
1971 41 2 Garbage Housing Yes
1971 41 1 Cedric price Yes
1970 40 12 Chicago Yes
1970 40 11 Ron Herron Yes
1970 40 10 125 Park Road Yes
1970 40 9 Stirling's St Andrew's University Yes
1970 40 8 Finland Yes
1970 40 7 The Pope and the Judge Yes
1970 40 7 /6 Cosmorama Yes
1970 40 6 Expo '70 Yes
1970 40 5 Baldrian Yes
1970 40 4 Lima Yes
1970 40 2 Constructvist architecture in the Ussr Yes
1970 40 1 Living in space Time Yes
1970 40 1 Houston airport Yes
1969 39 12 Clare Hall:home life in a Cambridge College Yes
1969 39 10 Multi-strategy buildings Yes
1969 39 9 Despite popular Demand Yes
1969 39 8 Ditching the dinosaur sanctuary Yes
1969 39 7 Dronten Agora Yes
1969 39 6 Treasure Island Yes
1969 39 5 University of East Anglia Yes
1969 39 4 Inner space Yes
1969 39 3 What did they do for their theses? Yes
1969 39 2 Master and pupil Yes
1969 39 1 Project awards Yes
1968 38 12 Jonathan Miller and five other characters in search of the city Yes
1968 38 11 The anatomy of the Factory Yes
1968 38 10 James Stirling latest Buildings Yes
1968 38 9 Mobility Yes
1968 38 7 A house of Ivy League values Yes
1968 38 6 Pneu world Yes
1968 38 5 What about Learning? Yes
1968 38 4 Yes
1968 38 3 Yes
1968 38 2 Yes
1967 37 12 Yes
1967 37 11 Yes
1967 37 10 Yes
1967 37 9 Yes
1967 37 8 Yes
1967 37 7 Montreal Yes
1967 37 6 Yes
1967 37 3 Yes
1967 37 2 Yes
1967 37 1 Yes
1966 36 12 Yes
1966 36 11 Yes
1966 36 10 Yes
1966 36 9 Eames Celebration Yes
1966 36 8 Yes
1966 36 7 Yes