IEEE transactions on control systems technology : a publication of the IEEE Control Systems Society

Library: Biblioteche UniTrento
BUR. Biblioteca Universitaria Rovereto
corso Bettini 43, Rovereto

Year Volume Number Holdings
2004 12 2 Yes
2004 12 1 Yes
2003 11 6 Yes
2003 11 5 Yes
2003 11 4 Yes
2003 11 3 Yes
2003 11 2 Yes
2003 11 1 Yes
2002 10 6 Yes
2002 10 5 Yes
2002 10 4 Yes
2002 10 3 Yes
2002 10 1 -2 Yes
2001 9 1 -6 Yes
2000 8 1 -6 Yes