Poznan studies in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities

Library: Biblioteche UniTrento
BUC. Deposito 2
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Year Volume Number Holdings
2011 101 Scientific Realism and Democratic Society. The Philosophy of Philip Kitcher Yes
2011 100 Thinking about Provincialism in Thinking No
2011 99 Theory of Questions. Erotetics through the Prism of its Philosophical Background and Practical Applications Yes
2010 98 Essays in the Philosophy and History of Logic and Mathematics Yes
2009 97 Idealization XIII. Modeling in History No
2008 96 Epistemology and the Social No
2008 95 Following Putnam’s Trail. On Realism and Other Issues Yes
2007 94 Moral Psychology Yes
2007 93 The Power of Argumentation Yes
2006 92 The Self-Correcting Enterprise. Essays on Wilfrid Sellars Yes
2006 91 Essays in Logic and Ontology Yes
2006 90 Arithmetic and Ontology. A Non-Realist Philosophy of Arithmetic Yes
2006 89 The Lvov-Warsaw School. The New Generation Yes
2005 88 Knowledge Cultures. Comparative Western and African Epistemology Yes
2005 87 Observation, Hypothesis, Introspection Yes
2005 86 Idealization XII: Correcting the Model. Idealization and Abstraction in the Sciences Yes
2005 85 Whewell's Critics. Have They Prevented Him from Doing Good Yes
2005 84 Cognitive Structures in Scientific Inquiry. Essays in Debate with Theo Kuipers. Volume 2 Yes
2005 83 Confirmation, Empirical Progress, and Truth Approximation. Essays in Debate with Theo Kuipers. Volume 1 Yes
2004 82 Idealization XI: Historical Studies on Abstraction and Idealization Yes
2004 81 Evandro Agazzi. Right, Wrong and Science. The Ethical Dimensions of the Techno-Scientific Enterprise Yes
2003 80 Analytic Philosophy in Finland Yes
2003 79 Multiformity of Science Yes
2003 78 From the Viewpoint of the Lvov-Warsaw School Yes
2003 77 Knowledge and Faith Yes
2000 76 Things, Facts and Events Yes
2000 75 Structuralist Knowledge Representation. Paradigmatic Examples Yes
2000 74 Polish Philosophers of Science and Nature in the 20th Century Yes
2000 73 The Rationality of Theism Yes
2000 72 On Comparing and Evaluating Scientific Theories Yes
2000 71 Logic, Probability and Science Yes
2000 70 Quine. Naturalized Epistemology, Perceptual Knowledge and Ontology No
2000 69 Idealization X: The Richness of Idealization Yes
2000 68 Knowledge, Science, and Values. A Program for Scientific Philosophy Yes
1999 67 Kazimierz Twardowski on Actions, Products and other Topics in Philosophy Yes
1999 66 To Be Or Not To Be? Is That The Question? And Other Studies in Ontology, Epistemology and Logic Yes
1999 65 The Totalitarian Paradigm after the End of Communism. Towards a Theoretical Reassessment Yes
1998 64 Pragmatic Idealism. Critical Essays on Nicholas Rescher's System of Pragmatic Idealism Yes
1998 63 Idealization IX: Idealization in Contemporary Physics Yes
1998 62 In the World of Signs. Essays in honour of Professor Jerzy Pelc Yes
1997 61 Representations of Scientific Rationality. Contemporary Formal Philosophy of Science in Spain Yes
1997 60 Marx's Theories Today. - Catalogato anche come monografia (w-335.4 MAR) Yes
1997 59 Beyond Orientalism. The Work of Wilhelm Halbfass and its Impact on Indian and Cross-Cultural Studies Yes
1997 58 The Postmodernist Critique of the Project of Enlightenment Yes
1997 57 Euphony and Logos. Essays in Honour of Maria Steffen-Batóg and Tadeusz Batóg Yes
1997 56 Idealization VIII: Modelling in Psychology No
1997 55 Realism and Quantum Physics. - Catalogato anche come monografia (u-501 REAL ( 2)) Yes
1997 54 In Itinere. European Cities and the Birth of Modern Scientific Philosophy Yes
1997 53 A Passage to the Idea for a Hermeneutic Philosophy of Science Yes
1997 52 Life Contemplative, Life Practical. An Essay on Fatalism Yes
1997 51 Knowledge and Inquiry. Essays on Jaakko Hintikka's Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. Yes
1997 50 The Idea of the University Yes
1996 49 The Significance of Popper's Thought. Proceedings of the conference Karl Popper: 1902-1994. March 10-12, 1995. Graduate School for Social Research Warsaw. - Catalogato anche come monografia (u-193 CONF) Yes
1996 48 The Social Philosophy of Ernest Gellner Yes
1996 47 Epistemology and History. Humanities as a Philosophical Problem and Jerzy Kmita's Approach to it. Yes
1996 46 Political Dialogue: Theories and Practices Yes
1995 45 Cognitive Patterns in Science and Common Sense. Groningen studies in philosophy of science, logic, and epistemology. - Catalogato anche come monografia (u-121 COG) Yes
1995 44 Theories and Models in Scientific Processes. Proceedings of AFOS '94 Workshop, August 15-26, Madralin and IUHPS '94 Conference, August 27-29, Warszawa Yes
1995 43 Mechanization of Reasoning in a Historical Perspective Yes
1994 42 Idealization VII: Structuralism, Idealization and Approximation Yes
1994 41 Historiography between Modernism and Postmodernism. Contributions to the Methodology of the Historical Research Yes
1994 40 The Heritage of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz Yes
1994 39 Probability in Theory-Building. Experimental and non-experimental approaches to scientific research in psychology Yes
1994 38 Idealization VI: Idealization in Economics Yes
1994 37 The Social Philosophy of Agnes Heller Yes
1994 36 Marxism and Communism. Posthumous Reflections on Politics, Society, and Law Yes
1994 35 Empirical Logic and Public Debate. Essays in Honour of Else M. Barth. Yes
1994 34 Idealization V: The Dynamics of Idealizations Yes
1993 33 Social System, Rationality and Revolution Yes
1993 32 From a One-Party State to Democracy. Transition in Eastern Europe. - Catalogato anche come monografia (u-321.80947 FRO) Yes
1993 31 Creativity and Consciousness: Philosophical and Psychological Dimensions Yes
1993 30 Government: Servant or Master? Yes
1993 29 Possible Ontologies Yes
1993 28 Polish Scientific Philosophy: The Lvov-Warsaw School Yes
1992 27 The Mathematical Soul. An antique prototype of the modern mathematisation of psychology Yes
1992 26 Idealization IV: Intelligibility in Science Yes
1992 25 Idealization III: Approximation and Truth Yes
1991 24 Advances in Scientific Philosophy. Essays in Honour of Paul Weingartner on the Occasion in the 60th Anniversary of his Birthday Yes
1991 23 Ethical Dimensions of Legal Theory Yes
1991 22 The Social Horizon of Knowledge Yes
1991 21 Probability and Rationality Yes
1990 20 Models and Concepts of Ideology Yes
1990 19 Narration and Explanation. Contributions to the Methodology of the Historical Research. Yes
1990 18 Studies on Mario Bunge's Treatise Yes
1990 17 Idealization II: Forms and Applications Yes
1990 16 Idealization I: General Problems Yes
1990 15 Visions of Culture and the Models of Cultural Sciences Yes
1990 14 Action and Performance: Models and Tests. Contributions to the Quantitative Psychology and its Methodology Yes
1989 13 Dimensions of the Historical Process Yes
1988 12 Polish Contributions to the Theory and Philosophy of Law Yes
1988 11 Normative Structures of the Social World Yes
1987 10 What is Closer-to-the-Truth? Yes
1986 9 Theories of Ideology and Ideology of Theories Yes
1985 8 Consciousness: Methodological and Psychological Approaches Yes
1982 7 Dialectical Logics for the Political Sciences Yes
1982 6 Social Classes Action & Historical Materialism Yes
1978/1979 4/5 1 /4 Yes
1977 3 1 /4 Yes
1976 2 1 /4 Yes
1975 1 1 /4 Yes