Political power and social theory : a research annual

Library: Biblioteche UniTrento
BUC. Ultime 2 annate sala 0B, annate precedenti Deposito 2
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Year Volume Number Holdings
2023 39 Trump and the Deeper Crisis Yes
2021 38 Global Historical Sociology of Race and Racism Yes
2020 37 Rethinking Class and Social Difference Yes
2019 36 Religion, Humility, and Democracy in a Divided America Yes
2019 35 Gendering Struggles against Informal and Precarious Work Yes
2018 34 Critical Realism, History, and Philosophy in the Social Sciences Yes
2017 33 Rethinking the Colonial State Yes
2017 32 International Orgins of Social and Political Theory Yes
2016 31 Postcolonial Sociologies. A Reader Yes For reference
2016 30 Perverse Politics? Feminism, Anti-Imperialism, Multiplicity Yes
2015 29 Chartering Capitalism: Organizing Markets, States, and Publics Yes
2015 28 Patrimonial Capitalism and Empire Yes
2014 27 Fields of Knowledge: Science, Politics and Publics in the Neoliberal Age Yes
2014 26 The United States in Decline Yes
2013 25 Decentering Social Theory Yes
2013 24 Postcolonial Sociology Yes For reference
2012 23 Yes
2011 22 Rethinking Obama Yes
2010 21 Yes
2009 20 Yes
2008 19 Yes
2006 18 Yes
2005 17 Yes
2004 16 Yes
2002 15 Yes
2000 14 Yes
1999 13 Yes
1998 12 Yes
1997 11 No
1996 10 Yes
1987-1995 6-9 Yes
1980-1985 1-5 Yes