The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

Library: Biblioteche UniTrento
BUC. Deposito 2
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Year Volume Number Holdings
2016 - 668 November. - The Middle East and Regional Transition, Terrorism, and Countering Violent Extremism: What the Next President Will Face Yes
2016 - 667 September. - Elections in America Yes
2016 - 666 July. - Undocumented Migration in a Global Economy Yes
2016 - 665 May. - Tough on Crime, Tough on Families? Criminal Justice and Family Life in America Yes
2016 - 664 March. - The Great Experiment: Realigning Criminal Justice in California and Beyond Yes
2016 - 663 January. - Living in a High-Inequality Regime Yes
2015 - 662 November. - Intermarriage and Integration Revisited: International Experiences and Cross-Disciplinary Approaches Yes
2015 - 661 September. - Race, Racial Inequality, and Biological Determinism in the Genetic and Genomic Era Yes
2015 - 660 July. - Residential Inequality in American Neighborhoods and Communities Yes
2015 - 659 May. - Toward Computational Social Science: Big Data in Digital Environments Yes
2015 - 658 March. - The Politics of Science: Political Values and the Production, Communication, and Reception of Scientific Knowledge Yes
2015 - 657 January. - Monitoring Social Mobility in the Twenty-First Century Yes
2014 - 656 November. - Aid and Institution-Building in Fragile States: Findings from Comparative Cases Yes
2014 - 655 September. - The Role of State Policy in Promoting College Access and Success Yes
2014 - 654 July. - Family Complexity, Poverty, and Public Policy Yes
2014 - 653 May. - Human Trafficking: Recent Empirical Research Yes
2014 - 652 March. - Strengthening Governance in South Africa: Building on Mandela’s Legacy Yes
2014 - 651 January. - Detaining Democracy? Criminal Justice and American Civic Life Yes
2013 - 650 November. - The Effects of the Great Recession Yes
2013 - 649 September. - Organizational Challenges to Regulatory Enforcement and Compliance : a New Common Sense About Regulation Yes
2013 - 648 July. - Youth Migration and Transitions to Adulthood in Developing Countries Yes
2013 - 647 May. - Reconsidering the Urban Disadvantaged: The Role of Systems, Institutions, and Organizations Yes
2013 - 646 March. - Transitionig to Adulthood in Asia: School, Work, and Family Life Yes
2013 - 645 January. - The Nonresponse Challenge to Surveys and Statistics Yes
2012 - 644 November. - Communication, Consumers, and Citizens: Revisiting the Politics of Consumption Yes
2012 - 643 September. - Migrant Youths and Children of Migrants in a Globalized World Yes
2012 - 642 July. - Bringing Fieldwork Back In: Contemporary Urban Ethnographic Research Yes
2012 - 641 May. - Immigration and the Changing Social Fabric of American Cities Yes
2012 - 640 March. - Advancing Reasoned Action Theory Yes
2012 - 639 January. - Gender and Race Inequality in Management: Critical Issues, New Evidence Yes
2011 - 638 November. - Work, Family, and Workplace Flexibility Yes
2011 - 637 September. - Race, Religion, and Late Democracy Yes
2011 - 636 July. - Patrimonial Power in the Modern World Yes
2011 - 635 May. - Young Disadvantaged Men: Fathers, Families, Poverty, and Policy Yes
2011 - 634 March. - Race, Racial Attitudes, and Stratification Beliefs: Evolving Directions for Research and Policy Yes
2011 - 633 January. - The Child of Citizenz Yes
2010 - 632 November. - Perspectives on Africa and the World Yes
2010 - 631 September. - The Federal Statistical System: Its Vulnerability Matters More Than You Think Yes
2010 - 630 July. - Continental Divides: International Migration in the Americas. - Catalogato anche come monografia con segnatura u-304.873 CON Yes
2010 - 629 May. - Reconsidering Culture and Poverty Yes
2010 - 628 March. - Field Experiments in Comparative Politics and Policy Yes
2010 - 627 January. - Beyond Admissions: Re-thinking College Opportunities and Outcomes Yes
2009 - 626 November. - The Shape of the New American City Yes
2009 - 625 September. - The End of Television? Its Impact on the World (So Far) Yes
2009 - 624 July. - Fathering across Diversity and Adversity: International Perspectives and Policy Interventions Yes
2009 - 623 May. - Race, Crime, and Justice: Conttexts and Complexities Yes
2009 - 622 March. - The Globalization of Class Actions Yes
2009 - 621 January. - The Moynihan Report Revisited: Lessons and Reflections after Four Decades Yes
2008 - 620 November. - Exceptional Outcomes: Achievement in Education and Employment among Children of Immigrants Yes
2008 - 619 September. - Cultural Sociology and Its Diversity Yes
2008 - 618 July. - Terrorism: What the Next President Will Face Yes
2008 - 617 May. - The Politics of History in Comparative Perspective Yes
2008 - 616 March. - Public Diplomacy in a Changing World Yes
2008 - 615 January. - Overweight and Obesity in America's Children: Causes, Consequences, Solutions Yes
2007 - 614 November. - The Biology of Political Behavior Yes
2007 - 613 September. - Advancing Research on Minority Entrepreneurship Yes
2007 - 612 July. - Religious Pluralism and Civil Society Yes
2007 - 611 May. - The Politics of Consumption/The Consumption of Politics Yes
2007 - 610 March. - NAFTA and Beyond: Alternative Perspectives in the Study of Global Trade and Development Yes
2007 - 609 January. - Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality in the U.S. Labor Market: Critical Issues in the New Millennium Yes
2006 - 608 November. - Politics, Social Networks, and the History of Mass Communications Research: Rereading Personal Influence Yes
2006 - 607 September. - Confronting the Specter of Nuclear Terrorism Yes
2006 - 606 July. - Chronicle of a Myth Foretold: The Washington Consensus in Latin America Yes
2006 - 605 May. - Democracy, Crime, and Justice Yes
2006 - 604 March. - Shelter from the Storm: Repairing the National Emergency Management System after Katrina Yes
2006 - 603 January. - Law, Society, and Democracy: Comparative Perspectives Yes
2005 - 602 November. - Developmental Criminology and its Discontents: Trajectories of Crime form Childhood to the Old Age Yes
2005 - 601 September. - The Science of Voter Mobilization Yes
2005 - 600 July. - The Uses and Usefulness ofthe Social Sciences: Achievements, Disappointments, and Promise Yes
2005 - 599 May. - Place Randomized Trials: Experimental Tests of Public Policy Yes
2005 - 598 March. - The Rise of Regulatory Capitalism: The Global Diffusion of a New Order Yes
2005 - 597 January. - Cultural Production in a Digital Age Yes
2004 - 596 November. - Mommies and Daddies on the Fast Track: Success of Parents in Demanding Professions Yes
2004 - 595 September. - Being Here and Being There: Fieldwork Encounters and Ethnographic Discoveries Yes
2004 - 594 July. - Race, Politics, , and Community Development in U.S. Cities Yes
2004 - 593 May. - To Better Serve and Protect: Improving Police Practices Yes
2004 - 592 March. - Hope, Power, and Governance Yes
2004 - 591 January. - Positive Development: Realizing the pontential of Youth Yes
2003 - 590 November. - Rethinking Sustainable Development Yes
2003 - 589 September. - Misleading Evidence and Evidence-Led Policy: Making Social Science more Experimental Yes
2003 - 588 July. - Islam: Enduring Myths and Changing Realities Yes
2003 - 587 May. - Assessing Systematic Evidence in Crime and Justice: Mothodological Concerns and Empirical Outcomes Yes
2003 - 586 March. - Community Colleges: New Environments, New Directions Yes
2003 - 585 January. - Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century Yes
2002 - 584 November. - Health and the Environment Yes
2002 - 583 September. - Global Perspectives on Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Yes
2002 - 582 July. - Cross-National Drug Policy Yes
2002 - 581 May. - Globalization and Democracy Yes
2002 - 580 March. - Early Adulthood in Corss-National Perspective Yes
2002 - 579 January. - Exchange Rate Regimes and Capital Flows Yes
2001 - 578 November. - What Works in Preventing Crime? Systematic Reviews of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research Yes
2001 - 577 September. - Reforming Welfare, Redefining Poverty Yes
2001 - 576 July. - Courthouse Violence: Protecting the Judicial Workplace Yes
2001 - 575 May. - Children's Rights Yes
2001 - 574 March. - The Supreme Court's Federalism: Real or Imagined? Yes
2001 - 573 January. - Culture and Development: International Perspectives Yes
2000 - 572 November. - Presidential Campaigns: Sins of Omission Yes
2000 - 571 September. - Feminist Views of the Social Sciences Yes
2000 - 570 July. - Dimensions of Globalization Yes
2000 - 569 May. - The African American Male in American Life and Thought Yes
2000 - 568 March. - The Study of African American Problems: W.E.B. Du Bois's Agenda, Then and Now Yes
2000 - 567 January. - School Violence Yes
1999 - 566 November. - The Social Diffusion of Ideas and Things Yes
1999 - 565 September. - Civil Society and Democratization Yes
1999 - 564 July. - Will the Juvenile Court System Survive? Yes
1999 - 563 May. - The Silent Crisis in U.S. Child Care Yes
1999 - 562 March. - The Evolving World of Work and Family: New Stakeholders, New Voices Yes
1999 - 561 January. - Emotional Labor in the Service Economy Yes
1998 - 560 November. - The Future of Fact Yes
1998 - 559 September. - The Changing Educational Quality of the Workforce Yes
1998 - 558 July. - Americans and Religions in the Twenty-First Century Yes
1998 - 557 May. - Children and Television Yes
1998 - 556 March. - Gambling: Socioeconomic Impacts and Public Policy Yes
1998 - 555 January. - Israel in Transition Yes
1997 - 554 November. - The Role of NGOs: Charity and Empowerment. - Catalogato anche come monografia con segnatura u-361.77 ROL Yes
1997 - 553 September. - Transport at the Millennium Yes
1997 - 552 July. - Strengthening Transitional Democracies Through Conflict Resolution Yes
1997 - 551 May. - Globalization and the Changing U.S. City Yes
1997 - 550 March. - NAFTA Revisited: Expectations and Realities Yes
1997 - 549 January. - The Americans with Disabilities Act: Social Contract or Special Privilege? Yes
1996 - 548 November. - The Holocaust: Remembering for the Future Yes
1996 - 547 September. - The Future of Hong Kong Yes
1996 - 546 July. - The Media and Politics Yes
1996 - 545 May. - Challenges in Risk Assessment and Risk Management Yes
1996 - 544 March. - Impacts of Changing Employment: If the Good Jobs Go Away Yes
1996 - 543 January. - The Federal Role in Criminal Law Yes
1995 - 542 November. - Flexibility in International Negotiation and Mediation Yes
1995 - 541 September. - Small Wars Yes
1995 - 540 July. - Local Governance Around the World Yes
1995 - 539 May. - Reactions to Crime and Violence Yes
1995 - 538 March. - Being and Becoming Canada Yes
1995 - 537 January. - Ethics in American Public Service Yes
1994 - 536 November. - Employee Dismissal: Justice at Work Yes
1994 - 535 September. - The Arms Trade: Problems and Prospects in the Post-Cold War World Yes
1994 - 534 July. - Strategies for Immigration Control: An International Comparison Yes
1994 - 533 May. - Trends in U.S.-Caribbean Relations Yes
1994 - 532 March. - Foreign Language Policy: An Agenda for Change Yes
1994 - 531 January. - The European Community: To Maastricht and Beyond Yes
1993 - 530 November. - Interminority Affairs in the U.S.: Pluralism at the Crossroads Yes
1993 - 529 September. - Rural America: Blueprint for Tomorrow Yes
1993 - 528 July. - Citizens, Protest, and Democracy Yes
1993 - 527 May. - Religion in the Nineties Yes
1993 - 526 March. - Free Trade in the Western Hemisphere Yes
1993 - 525 January. - White-Collar Crime Yes
1992 - 524 November. - Political Islam Yes
1992 - 523 September. - Affirmative Action Revisited Yes
1992 - 522 July. - The Future: Trends into the Twenty-First Century Yes
1992 - 521 May. - Drug Abuse: Linking Policy and Research Yes
1992 - 520 March. - World Literacy in the Year 2000 Yes
1992 - 519 January. - China's Foreign Relations Yes
1991 - 518 November. - Resolving Regional Conflicts: International Perspectives Yes
1991 - 517 September. - New Directions in U.S. Defense Policy Yes
1991 - 516 July. - Foreign Investment in the United States Yes
1991 - 515 May. - American Feminism: New Issues for a Mature Movement Yes
1991 - 514 March. - Electronic Links for Learning Yes
1991 - 513 January. - Japan's External Economic Relations: Japanese Perspectives Yes
1990 - 512 November. - The Nordic Region: Changing Perspectives in International Relations Yes
1990 - 511 September. - Foreign Language in the Workplace Yes
1990 - 510 July. - World Population: Approaching the Year 2000 Yes
1990 - 509 May. - American Federalism: The Third Century Yes
1990 - 508 March. - English Plus: Issues in Bilingual Education Yes
1990 - 507 January. - Privatizing and Marketizing Socialism Yes
1989 - 506 November. - Human Rights Around the World Yes
1989 - 505 September. - The Pacific Region: Challenges to Policy and Theory Yes
1989 - 504 July. - Peace Studies: Past and Future Yes
1989 - 503 May. - The Quality of Aging: Strategies for Interventions Yes
1989 - 502 March. - Universities and the Military Yes
1989 - 501 January. - The Ghetto Underclass: Social Science Perspectives Yes
1988 - 500 November. - Whither the American Empire: Expansion or Contraction? Yes
1988 - 499 September. - Congress and the Presidency: Invitation to Struggle Yes
1988 - 498 July. - The Private Security Industry: Issues and Trends Yes
1988 - 497 May. - Anti-Americanism: Origins and Context Yes
1988 - 496 March. - State Constitutions in a Federal System Yes
1988 - 495 January. - Telescience: Scientific Communication in the Information Age Yes
1987 - 494 November. - Policies to Prevent Crime: Neighborhood, Family, and Employment Strategies Yes
1987 - 493 September. - The Informal Economy Yes
1987 - 492 July. - Unemployment: A Global Challenge Yes
1987 - 491 May. - The Fulbright Experience and Academic Exchanges Yes
1987 - 490 March. - Foreign Language Instruction: A National Agenda Yes
1987 - 489 January. - International Affairs in Africa Yes
1986 - 488 November. - Revitalizing the Industrial City Yes
1986 - 487 September. - Immigration and American Public Policy Yes
1986 - 486 July. - Regulating Campaign Finance Yes
1986 - 485 May. - From Foreign Workers to Settlers? Transnational Migration and the Emergence of New Minorities Yes
1986 - 484 March. - The Law and Mental Health: Research and Policy Yes
1986 - 483 January. - Religion and the State: The Struggle for Legitimacy and Power Yes
1985 - 482 November. - Changing Patterns of Power in the Middle East Yes
1985 - 481 September. - Soviet Foreign Policy in an Uncertain World Yes
1985 - 480 July. - Religion in America Today Yes
1985 - 479 May. - The Welfare State in America: Trends and Prospects Yes
1985 - 478 March. - Our Crowded Prisons Yes
1985 - 477 January. - The Insanity Defense Yes
1984 - 476 November. - China in Transition Yes
1984 - 475 September. - Deindustrialization: Restructuring the Economy Yes
1984 - 474 July. - Gambling: Views from the Social Sciences Yes
1984 - 473 May. - The Future of American Unionism Yes
1984 - 472 March. - Polling and the Democratic Consensus Yes
1984 - 471 January. -Paying for Culture Yes
1983 - 470 November. - Robotics: Future Factories, Future Workers Yes
1983 - 469 September. - Nuclear Armament and Disarmament Yes
1983 - 468 July. - Health Care Policy in America Yes
1983 - 467 May. - The Global Refugee Problem: U.S. and World Response Yes
1983 - 466 March. - Implementing Governmental Change Yes
1983 - 465 January. - Housing America Yes
1982 - 464 November. - Middle and Late Life Transitions Yes
1982 - 463 September. - International Terrorism Yes
1982 - 462 July. - The American Judiciary: Critical Issues Yes
1982 - 461 May. - Young Children and Social Policy Yes
1982 - 460 March. - The Internationalization of the American Economy Yes
1982 - 459 January. - Government and Economic Performance Yes
1981 - 458 November. - Technology Transfer: New Issues, New Analysis Yes
1981 - 457 September. - National Security Policy for the 1980s Yes
1981 - 456 July. - Social Effects of Inflation Yes
1981 - 455 May. - Gun Control Yes
1981 - 454 March. - America as a cultural society. - Catalogato anche come monografia con segnatura u-973.92 AME Yes
1981 - 453 January. - America enters the eighties: Some social indicators Yes
1980 - 447 /452 January/November Yes
1979 - 441 /446 January/November Yes
1978 - 435 /440 January/November Yes
1977 - 429 /434 January/November Yes
1976 - 423 /428 January/November Yes
1975 - 417 /422 January/November Yes
1974 - 411 /416 January/November Yes
1973 - 405 /410 January/November Yes
1972 - 399 /404 January/November Yes
1971 - 393 /398 January/November Yes
1970 - 387 /392 January/November Yes
1969 - 381 /386 January/November Yes
1968 - 375 /380 January/November Yes
1967 - 369 /374 January/November Yes
1966 - 363 /368 January/November Yes
1965 - 357 /362 January/November Yes
1964 - 351 /356 January/November Yes
1963 - 345 /350 January/November Yes
1962 - 339 /344 January/November Yes