Annals of pure and applied logic

Library: Biblioteche UniTrento
BUC. Deposito 2
Modalità di consultazione

Year Volume Number Holdings
2007 149 1 /3 November Yes
2007 148 1 /3 September Yes
2007 147 3 July Yes
2007 147 1 /2 June Yes
2007 146 2 /3 May Yes
2007 146 1 April Yes
2007 145 3 March Yes
2007 145 2 February Yes
2007 145 1 January Yes
2006 144 1 /3 December. - Conference in honor of James. E. Baumgartner’s sixtieth birthday Yes
2006 143 1 /3 November. - International Meeting on Logic, Algebra and Geometry Yes
2006 142 1 /3 October Yes
2006 141 3 September. - Papers presented at the Second St. Petersburg Days of Logic and Computability Conference on the occasion of the centennial of Andrey Andreevich Markov, Jr. Yes
2006 141 1 /2 August Yes
2006 140 1 /3 July. - Cardinal Arithmetic at work: the 8th Midrasha Mathematicae Workshop Dedicated to Professor Azriel Levy, Cardinal Arithmetic at work: the 8th Midrasha Mathematicae Workshop Yes
2006 139 1 /3 May Yes
2006 138 1 /3 March. - New Zealand Institute of Mathematics and its Applications: Logic and Computation Programme Yes
2006 137 1 /3 January. - Papers presented at the 2nd Workshop on Formal Topology (2WFTop 2002) Yes
2005 136 3 November Yes
2005 136 1 /2 October. - Festschrift on the occasion of Wolfram Pohlers’ 60th birthday, Festschrift on the occasion of Wolfram Pohlers’ 60th birthday Yes
2005 135 1 /3 September Yes
2005 134 2 /3 July Yes
2005 134 1 June. - Papers presented at the 9th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC’2002), Papers presented at the 9th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC’2002) Yes
2005 133 1 /3 May. - Festschrift on the occasion of Helmut Schwichtenberg’s 60th birthday, Ein Bogen von der Beweistheorie zur Informatik Yes
2005 132 2 /3 March Yes
2005 132 1 February Yes
2005 131 1 /3 January Yes
2004 130 1 /3 December. - Papers presented at the 2002 IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS) Yes
2004 129 1 /3 October Yes
2004 128 1 /3 August Yes
2004 127 1 /3 June. - Provinces of logic determined. Essays in the memory of Alfred Tarski. Parts IV, V and VI Yes
2004 126 1 /3 April. - Provinces of logic determined. Essays in the memory of Alfred Tarski. Parts I, II and III Yes
2004 125 1 /3 February Yes
2003 124 1 /3 December 15 Yes
2003 123 1 /3 October 15 Yes
2003 122 1 /3 August 15 Yes
2003 121 2 /3 June 15 Yes
2003 121 1 May 15 Yes
2003 120 1 /3 April 15 Yes
2003 119 1 /3 February 15 Yes
2002 118 3 December 15 Yes
2002 118 1 /2 December 1 Yes
2002 117 1 /3 October 15 Yes
2002 116 1 /3 August 15 Yes
2002 115 1 /3 June 15 Yes
2002 114 1 /3 April 15. - Commemorative Symposium Dedicated to Anne S. Troelstra on the occasion of his 60th birthday Yes
2002 113 1 /3 January 2. - First St. Petersburg Conference on Days of Logic and Computability Yes
2001 112 2 /3 December 5 Yes
2001 112 1 September 15 Yes
2001 111 3 August 30 Yes
2001 111 1 /2 Proceedings of the International Conference "Anayse & Logique" Yes
2001 110 1 /3 June 20 Yes
2001 109 3 May 30 Yes
2001 109 1 /2 May 15. - Special Issue dedicated to Petr Vopenka Yes
2001 108 1 /3 March 30. - XIth Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic Yes
2001 107 1 /3 January 15 Yes
2000 106 1 /3 December 1 Yes
2000 105 1 /3 November 1 Yes
2000 104 1 /3 July 15. - Proceedings of the Workshop on Proof Theory and Complexity PTAC'98 Yes
2000 103 1 /3 May 15 Yes
2000 102 3 April 15 Yes
2000 102 1 /2 March 3 Yes
2000 101 2 /3 February 3 Yes
2000 101 1 January 3 Yes
1999 100 1 /3 October 15 Yes
1999 99 1 /3 August 31 Yes
1999 98 1 /3 June 30 Yes
1999 97 1 /3 March 21 Yes
1999 96 1 /3 March 1. - Festschrift on the occasion of Professor Rohit Parikh's 60th birthday Yes
1998 95 1 /3 November 5 Yes
1998 94 1 /3 October 5. - Conference on Computability Theory Yes
1998 93 1 /3 April 28. - Computability Theory Yes
1998 92 3 August 21 Yes
1998 92 2 May 14 Yes
1998 92 1 March 11 Yes
1998 91 2 /3 February 24 Yes
1998 91 1 January 12 Yes
1998 90 1 /3 December 15 Yes
1997 89 2 /3 December 8 Yes
1997 89 1 December 15. - Logic Colloquium '94 Yes
1997 88 2 /3 November 17. - Joint AILA-KGS Model Theory Meeting Yes
1997 88 1 November 15 Yes
1997 87 3 October 17 Yes
1997 87 2 September 15. - Logic Colloquium '95 Yes
1997 87 1 August 22 Yes
1997 86 3 July 23 Yes
1997 86 2 June 16 Yes
1997 86 1 June 13 Yes
1997 85 3 May 23 Yes
1997 85 2 May 6 Yes
1997 85 1 April 29 Yes
1997 84 3 April 18 Yes
1997 84 2 March 21 Yes
1997 84 1 March 6. - Asian Logic Conference Yes
1997 83 3 February 14 Yes
1997 83 2 January 23 Yes
1997 83 1 January 6 Yes
1996 82 3 December 15 Yes
1996 82 2 December 5 Yes
1996 82 1 November Yes
1996 81 1 /3 September. - Stephen Cole Kleene Yes
1996 80 3 August 26 Yes
1996 80 2 August 5 Yes
1996 80 1 July 15 Yes
1996 79 3 June 24 Yes
1996 79 2 June 3 Yes
1996 79 1 May 2 Yes
1996 78 1 /3 April 4. - Logic at St. Petersburg Yes
1996 77 3 February 19 Yes
1996 77 2 January 29 Yes
1996 77 1 January 8 Yes
1995 74/76 Yes
1995 71/73 Yes
1994 69/70 Yes
1994 66/68 Yes
1993 63/65 Yes
1993 59/62 Yes
1992 56/58 Yes
1991/1992 54/55 Yes
1991 51/53 Yes
1990 48/50 Yes
1990 46/47 Yes
1989 41/45 Yes
1988 37/40 Yes
1987 33/36 Yes
1986 30/32 Yes
1985 28/29 Yes
1984 26/27 Yes
1983 24/25 Yes