School of computer science and cognitive science research papers / University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science and Cognitive Research Centre

Library: Biblioteche UniTrento
BUP. Biblioteca Universitaria Povo
via Sommarive 5, Povo di Trento

Year Volume Number Holdings
2013 13 1 Metaphor and austerity : a corpus linguistics 2013 companion Yes
2012 12 1 Metaphor and simile Yes
2011 11 1 How to detect an android Yes
2009 09 1 Corpus-based approaches to figurative language Yes
2008 08 1 Metaphor in Textual Entailment Yes
2007 07 1 An analysis of Metaphors in a New York Times... Yes
2006 06 2 Similarity as a basis for metaphor Yes
2006 06 1 Metaphor and Metonymy: A Practical Deconstruction Yes
2004 04 3 temporal metaphors in discourse Yes
2004 04 2 Open-ended mephorical reasoning Yes
2004 04 1 metaphorical reasoning with an ... Yes
2003 03 6 View-neutral mapping adjiuncts in real text Yes
2003 03 5 Metaphoricity Signals: A Corpus-Based Investigation Yes
2003 03 4 Metaphor Annotation: A Systematic Study Yes
2003 03 3 The Automomous Acquisition of Affordance... Yes
2003 03 2 Correlating Patient Satisfaction with Linguistic Measures (Revised) Yes
2003 03 2 Correlating Patient Satisfaction with Linguistic Measures Yes
2003 03 1 On Truth, Strings and Paradoxes Yes
2002 02 12 Assessing Information Heard on the Radio Yes
2002 02 11 A Model of Assertion Evaluation Yes
2002 02 10 Application of the ATT-Meta Metaphor Understanding System to Examples.. Yes
2002 02 9 Asymmetry and Reverse Transfers in Metaphor Yes
2002 02 8 Speech recognition using syllable patterns Yes
2002 02 7 The Use of Syllabe Structure for Speech Recognition Yes
2002 02 6 On the Design of Mathematical Concepts Yes
2002 02 5 Automatic Learning of Proof Methods in Proof Planning Yes
2002 02 4 Counterfactual Truth and Metaphor Truth: A Cognitive Analysis Yes
2002 02 3 Mateja Jamnik,Manfred Kerber and Martin Pollet Yes
2002 02 2 Stuart I Reynolds and Marco A Wiering Yes
2002 02 1 Experience Stack Reinforcement Learning for Off-Policy Control Yes
2001 01 11 Proof Planning in OMEGA with Semantic Guidance Yes
2001 01 10 A Computational Approach to Conceptual Blending within Counterfactuals Yes
2001 01 9 Application of the ATT-Meta Metaphor-Understanding System... Yes
2001 01 8 Learning Method Outlines in Proof Planning Yes
2001 01 7 The Effects of Crossover and Mutation Operators On Variable Lenght Linear Structures Yes
2001 01 6 Markov Models for GP and Variable-lenght GAs with Homologous Crossover Yes
2001 01 5 Understanding Open-Ended Usages of Familiar Conceptual Metaphors... Yes
2001 01 4 Exact Schema Theory for GP and Variable-lenght GAs with Homologous Crossover Yes
2001 01 3 Mental Metaphors from the Master Metaphor... Yes
2001 01 2 Application of the ATT-Meta Metaphor-Understanding Approach to Varius Examples... Yes
2001 01 1 Application of the ATT-Meta Metaphor-Understanding Approach to Selected Examples... Yes
2000 00 25 Rethinking classifiers: The Morpho-phonemics of Proforms Yes
2000 00 24 A Schema Theory Analysis of Mutation Size... Yes
2000 00 23 Exact GP Schema Tehory for Headless Chicken... Yes
2000 00 22 A Schema Theory Analysis of the Evolution of Size... Yes
2000 00 21 Trends in Learning Classifier Systems Publications Yes
2000 00 20 Towards a Theory of Strong Overgeneral Classifiers Yes
2000 00 19 Learning Classifier Systems Resources Yes
2000 00 18 What Makes a Problem Hard for XCS? Yes
2000 00 17 A Bigger Learning Classifier Systems Bibliograhy Yes
2000 00 16 General Schema Theory for Genetic Programming... (Revised December 2000) Yes
2000 00 16 General Schema Theory for Genetic Programming with Subtree-Swapping Crossover Yes
2000 00 15 Microscopic and Macroscopic Schema for Genetic Programming... Yes
2000 00 14 Extract Schema Theorems for GP with One-Point... Yes
2000 00 13 General cognitive principles and the structure of behaviour Yes
2000 00 12 The ethics of deception Yes
2000 00 11 Reasoning about Mixed Metaphors within an Implemented AI System Yes
2000 00 10 Acquiring information from books Yes
2000 00 9 Towards learning new methods in proof planning Yes
2000 00 8 How many separately evolved ... Yes
2000 00 7 Everyday belief-acquisition Yes
2000 00 6 Diagrams in the mind Yes
2000 00 5 Architecture-based conceptions of mind Yes
2000 00 4 Prisoners of reason Yes
2000 00 3 Evolvable architectures for human-like minds Yes
2000 00 2 On fitness proportionate selection Yes
2000 00 1 A macroscopic exact schema theorem... Yes
1999 99 19 A learning classifier systems bibliography Yes
1999 99 18 New results in the schema theory for GP Yes
1999 99 17 Towards concurrent resource managed deduction Yes
1999 99 16 Adaptive state-space quantitasation Yes
1999 99 15 Decision boundary partitioning Yes
1999 99 14 Analogy and automated reasoning Yes
1999 99 13 Schema Theory without Expectations for GP... Yes
1999 99 13 Schema theory without expectations Yes
1999 99 12 A higly scalable parallel... Yes
1999 99 11 Review and taxonomy of parallel Yes
1999 99 10 Late breaking papers ... Yes
1999 99 9 The belief-filter component Yes
1999 99 8 Deletion schemes for classifier systems... Yes
1999 99 7 Java based distributed... Yes
1999 99 6 Robust Mobile Robot Localisation from Sparse... Yes
1999 99 5 Evolving the Architectures and weights of Neural... Yes
1999 99 4 Why and How We Teach Evolutionary Computation... Yes
1999 99 3 Probabilistic Schema Teorems without Expectation... Yes
1999 99 1 Discovery of General Learning Rules for Feedforward... Yes
1998 98 21 Architectural Requirements for Human-like... Yes
1998 98 20 Smooth Uniform Crossover with Smooth Point... Yes
1998 98 19 Efficient Evolution of Parallel Binary Multipliers... Yes
1998 98 18 Sub-machine-code Genetic Programming Yes
1998 98 17 Why "Building Blocks" ... Yes
1998 98 16 Boolean Functions Fitness Spaces Yes
1998 98 15 Genetic Programminig Discovers Efficient Yes
1998 98 13 GP-Music: An Interactive Genetic Programming System for Music Generation... Yes
1998 98 12 Better trained ants for genetic programming Yes
1998 98 11 Uncertain reasoning about agents ... Yes
1998 98 10 Late breaking papers at EuropGP98 Yes
1998 98 9 A with bounded costs Yes
1998 98 8 Better trained ants Yes
1998 98 7 On the ability to search the space.. Yes
1998 98 6 Short Term Extinction Probability of Newly... Yes
1998 98 5 Explicit Substitutions for Constructive Necessity Yes
1998 98 4 Why Ants are Hard Yes
1998 98 3 Genetic programming can discover... Yes
1998 98 2 SIM-AGENT Two Years On Yes
1998 98 1 Route planning with ordered constraints Yes
1997 97 31 Efficient evolution of asymmetric... Yes
1997 97 30 Agent route in complex... Yes
1997 97 29 Genetic programming bloat Yes
1997 97 28 Segmentation of 3d medical images... Yes
1997 97 27 A review of theoretical and experimental results... Yes
1997 97 26 Scheduling planned maintenance... Yes
1997 97 25 Evolving Neural controllers Using a Dual Network Representation Yes
1997 97 24 Proof Planning: A Practical Approach... Yes
1997 97 23 Reasoning without Beliving... Yes
1997 97 22 Fitness Causes Bloat: Simulated Annealing, hill climbing and Populations Yes
1997 97 21 Discovery of Neural Network Learning Rules Using Genetic Programming Yes
1997 97 20 A Constructionist Approach Towards Continual Robot Learning Yes
1997 97 19 XCS classifier system... Yes
1997 97 18 Ruote planning in the space complete plans Yes
1997 97 17 Route Planning with GA Yes
1997 97 16 Fitness Causes Bloat: Mutation Yes
1997 97 15 Evolution of Cellular-automaton-based Associative Memories Yes
1997 97 14 Fitness causes bloat variable... Yes
1997 97 13 Genetic Programming with One-Point Yes
1997 97 12 A new combined crossover operator to evolve the arc... Yes
1997 97 11 Continual robot learning... Yes
1997 97 10 Mechanising partiality without re-implementation Yes
1997 97 9 Fitness Causes Bloat Yes
1997 97 8 An Experimental Analysis of Schema Creation... Yes
1997 97 8 (revised may 97) An Experimental Analysis of Schema Creation... Yes
1997 97 7 Evolution of the Topology and the Weights of Neural... Yes
1997 97 6 The Society of Mind Requires an Economy of Mind Yes
1997 97 5 Evolution of Pseudo-colouring Algorithms for Image... Yes
1997 97 4 Price's Theorem and the MAX Problem Yes
1997 97 3 A New Schema Teorem for genetic programming... Yes
1997 97 2 Hybrid agent architectures Yes
1997 97 1 MINDER1: An Implementation of a Protoemotional Agent Architecture Yes
1996 96 19 Evolution of recursive transition networks... Yes
1996 96 18 Scheduling planned maintenance... Yes
1996 96 16 Proving ground completeness... Yes
1996 96 16 Improving bracket abstraction... Yes
1996 96 15 Parallel distributed genetic programming Yes
1996 96 15 On probabilistic model checking Yes
1996 96 14 Discovery of symbolic.... Yes
1996 96 13 Reasons, goals, planning... Yes
1996 96 13 On topological hierarchies... Yes
1996 96 12 Actual Possibilities Yes
1996 96 11 Metric denotational semantic for PEPA Yes
1996 96 11 Design requirement for a .... Yes
1996 96 10 Reactive and motivational agents... Yes
1996 96 9 Factorisation systems on domains Yes
1996 96 9 An integration of mechanised reasoning... Yes
1996 96 8 What sort of architecture is reqired... Yes
1996 96 7 On the relations between... Yes
1996 96 6 Deciding, planning and pratical reasoning Yes
1996 96 5 False belief task... Yes
1996 96 4 Reinforcement learning and animat emotions Yes
1996 96 3 A resolution calculus for ... Yes
1996 96 2 Minimal polynomial logic... Yes
1996 96 1 Genetic programming for image... Yes