Environmental archaeology. The journal of human palaeoecology

Library: Biblioteche UniTrento
BUC. Deposito 2 (Sezione Lettere)
Modalità di consultazione

Year Volume Number Holdings
2015 20 4 November. - Storage Yes
2015 20 3 August. - Environmental archaeologies of Neolithisation: Old World case studies Yes
2015 20 2 May Yes
2015 20 1 February Yes
2014 19 3 October. - Environmental Archaeologies of Neolithisation: Europe Yes
2014 19 2 June Yes
2014 19 1 February Yes
2013 18 3 October. - Neolithic in the Near East No
2013 18 2 June Yes
2013 18 1 February. - Bioarchaeological research on animal dung Yes
2012 17 2 October Yes
2012 17 1 April Yes
2011 16 2 October. - Recent studies in Australian palaeocology Yes
2011 16 1 April Yes
2010 15 2 October Yes
2010 15 1 Yes